Fast, Safe & Economical Ecosystem Rehabilitation

TryMarine is a platform of products, systems and methods tuned and proven to enhance biodiversity and unleash the power of ecosystems to naturally respond to environmental breakdowns. TryMarine offers the power to remediate decades of accumulated ecological damage by reversing the downward spiral of nutrient and waste inundation and creating an efficient virtuous circle powered by the sun and natural balance.

Unique and Proven Technology

TryMarine offers the most modern solution for lake rejuvenation:
Fast: Lakes typically are measurably enhanced within 30-45 days, and healthier within 6 months.
Safe: TryMarine is eco-friendly, and could actually  make water bodies healthier for fish and other fauna (like us
Affordable: TryMarine offers a proven permanent solution at a fraction of the cost of competing methods of large scale water remediation
Scalable: TryMarine is effective in small ponds to large lakes, as well as rivers and near shore applications, with economies of scale.

Water Remediation

TryMarine custom manufactures variations of its solutions to penetrate and treat Lakes, Rivers,
Wetlands, Estuaries, Fish-farms and Near-Coastal Areas, tailored to foster biodiversity.

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